Course content
1. Organs of speech and articulation of speech sounds
a. classification criteria for speech sounds
2. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
3. Differences between the British English and American English pronunciation
4. British English vowels
a. drills for British English vowels in various phonetic contexts
i. front vowels: Units 33–37
ii. central vowels: Units 12 and 45
iii. back vowels: Units 39–41 and 43–44
5. British English diphthongs and triphthongs
a. closing and centring diphthongs––articulatory training and reading practice
i. closing diphthongs: Units 47–48[1] and 49
ii. centring diphthongs: Unit 50
6. Classification of British English and Polish consonants in terms of place and manner of articulation
a. fricative and affricate consonants (focus on dental fricatives and obstruents in final position)
i. fricatives: Units 8–9, 21–22, and 14, 15–17
ii. affricates: Units 18–19
b. stops (aspiration and devoicing in stressed syllable onsets), English /h/ vs Polish /x/
i. stops: Units 1–2, 3–4, and 5–6
ii. /h/: Unit 23
c. types of plosion (unreleased, nasal, lateral, glottal stop)
d. nasal and liquid consonants (including the distribution of the velar nasal and the lateral approximant variants)
i. nasals: Unit 24
ii. liquids: Units 26–27
e. semivowels in English and Polish
i. Unit 10
f. reading practice (weak forms)––revision
i. Unit 12
7. Connected speech processes
[1] Based on Ponsoby, M. 1999 [1992]. How Now, Brown Cow? A Course in the Pronunciation of English. New York: Phoenix ELT.
- Prowadzący: Cogan Kamila